How Motherhood Is Just Like Running a Business

As a mother and business owner, I’ve come to realize that the skills required to excel in both roles are strikingly similar. The multitasking, the planning, the emotional investment, and the sheer determination needed to succeed as a mother mirror the qualities necessary for running a successful business. Owning and operating an orthodontics practice, an online candle company, and a blog that has blossomed into a small business has given me unique insights into how motherhood and entrepreneurship intersect. Let’s explore the parallels between these two demanding yet rewarding roles.

The Start-Up Phase: Bringing a New Life (or Business) into the World

Motherhood: From the moment you find out you’re expecting, your life is consumed by planning and preparing. You read books, attend classes, and seek advice from experienced mothers. You set up a nursery, buy essential items, and mentally prepare for the monumental task ahead. The start-up phase is filled with anticipation, excitement, and a fair share of anxiety.

Business: Starting a business is much the same. You conduct market research, create a business plan, and seek advice from mentors and experts. You set up your office or storefront, invest in necessary equipment, and mentally brace yourself for the challenges ahead. Whether it’s my orthodontics practice, UnOrthoDoc Candle Company, or The UnOrthoDoc blog, the start-up phase for each venture was marked by a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation.

Multitasking: The Art of Juggling

Motherhood: Once your baby arrives, the real juggling begins. You’re constantly balancing feeding, diaper changes, naps, and playtime. As your child grows, you add school runs, extracurricular activities, and social events to the mix. Multitasking becomes second nature as you manage your child’s needs alongside household chores and personal responsibilities.

Business: Running a business requires similar multitasking skills. In my orthodontics practice, I juggle patient appointments, staff management, and administrative duties. With UnOrthoDoc Candle Company, I balance product development, marketing, and order fulfillment. The UnOrthoDoc blog involves content creation, social media management, and community engagement. Multitasking is essential to keep everything running smoothly.

Planning and Organization: The Backbone of Success

Motherhood: Successful motherhood hinges on effective planning and organization. From meal planning and scheduling doctor’s appointments to organizing playdates and family vacations, a mother’s calendar is always full. Staying organized ensures that everything runs smoothly and that your child’s needs are met without constant chaos.

Business: In business, planning and organization are crucial. In my orthodontics practice, I plan patient schedules, treatment plans, and staff rotations. For UnOrthoDoc Candle Company, I organize production schedules, inventory management, and marketing campaigns. The UnOrthoDoc blog requires editorial calendars, content planning, and event coordination. Effective planning and organization are the backbone of any successful venture.

Problem-Solving: Navigating Challenges with Grace

Motherhood: Motherhood is fraught with unexpected challenges. From dealing with a sick child to navigating (anticipated) teenage rebellion, mothers must be adept problem-solvers. Finding creative solutions to everyday problems and staying calm under pressure are essential skills for any mother.

Business: Similarly, business ownership is a constant exercise in problem-solving. In my orthodontics practice, I encounter everything from equipment malfunctions to patient concerns. UnOrthoDoc Candle Company faces supply chain issues, production hiccups, and customer service challenges. The UnOrthoDoc blog involves technical glitches, content dilemmas, and community management. Navigating these challenges with grace is crucial for maintaining success.

Emotional Investment: Heart and Soul

Motherhood: The emotional investment in motherhood is profound. You pour your heart and soul into raising your child, nurturing their growth, and ensuring their well-being. The highs and lows of motherhood can be intense, but the rewards are immeasurable.

Business: Running a business also requires significant emotional investment. My orthodontics practice is more than just a job; it’s a passion. UnOrthoDoc Candle Company and blog are labors of love that reflect my values and creativity. Investing emotionally in these ventures drives me to work harder, despite the inevitable setbacks.

Delegation: Trusting Others

Motherhood: As children grow, mothers learn the importance of delegation. Whether it’s asking a partner to help with bedtime routines or trusting a nanny/babysitter, delegation allows mothers to recharge and focus on other responsibilities.

Business: In business, delegation is equally important. In my orthodontics practice, I rely on a dedicated team to assist with patient care and administrative tasks. UnOrthoDoc Candle Company benefits from collaborative efforts in production and marketing. The UnOrthoDoc blog thrives on contributions from guest writers and community members. Trusting others and delegating tasks ensures that the business can grow and succeed without becoming overwhelming.

Adaptability: Embracing Change

Motherhood: Motherhood teaches adaptability. Children grow and change, and mothers must constantly adjust their approaches to meet new challenges. Flexibility and a willingness to learn are essential for navigating the evolving landscape of motherhood.

Business: Business ownership demands adaptability as well. In my orthodontics practice, I stay abreast of new technologies and treatment methods. UnOrthoDoc Candle Company adapts to market trends and customer feedback. The UnOrthoDoc blog evolves with changing content demands and audience interests. Embracing change and being open to new ideas are key to sustained success.

Finding Balance: The Ongoing Quest

Motherhood: Finding balance in motherhood is an ongoing quest. Balancing the needs of your child with personal aspirations, career goals, and self-care is a delicate act. Prioritizing and setting boundaries help in maintaining a semblance of balance.

Business: In business, balance is equally elusive. Running an orthodontics practice, an online candle company, and a blog requires careful time management and boundary-setting. Ensuring that each venture receives adequate attention while also making time for family and personal well-being is a continuous effort.

Conclusion: Motherhood and Business – Two Sides of the Same Coin

Motherhood and business ownership are two sides of the same coin. Both require multitasking, planning, problem-solving, emotional investment, delegation, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of balance. As a mother and entrepreneur, I’ve found that the skills honed in one role often enhance the other. The journey of motherhood has made me a better business owner, and the challenges of running a business have equipped me with tools to navigate the complexities of motherhood.

By embracing the similarities between these two roles, we can draw strength from our experiences and apply valuable lessons across different areas of our lives. Whether nurturing a child or growing a business, the journey is filled with ups and downs, but the rewards are immeasurable. Let’s celebrate the parallels between motherhood and business and continue to thrive in both realms.