Beyond Labels: How Being Multifaceted Leads to True Success

Labels can limit potential and creativity. As someone who has always taken a somewhat unconventional path, I find the term “unorthodox” not just fitting, but empowering. That’s how The UnOrthoDoc was born—a reflection of my multifaceted life that defies simple categorization.

The Trap of Specialization

We’re often told to specialize. Get an expensive degree, secure a niche job, and stick to it for decades. While this worked in the past, the modern world demands adaptability and a broad skill set. In today’s tech-driven society, being a specialist can sometimes mean limiting your growth and opportunities. AI and automation are rapidly changing the job market, and those with narrow expertise may find themselves left behind. I say this as a specialist myself—an orthodontist, a specialty of dentistry. I get that this is contradictory. I suppose I am a walking contradiction.

Why Generalists Thrive

Being a generalist isn’t just a survival strategy; it’s a way to thrive. By embracing a wide range of skills and interests, we become more adaptable and resilient. This approach has allowed me to wear many hats—orthodontist, entrepreneur, blogger, chandler (candle maker), community builder, etc.

  1. Orthodontist: I run my own practice, providing specialized care to my patients.

  2. Entrepreneur: I founded Infinity Orthodontics, UnOrthoDoc Candle Co., combining my love for scented candles, creativity with business acumen, an aesthetic suite and even The Unorthodoc - this blog has turned into a small business over the years.

  3. Blogger: Through my blog, The UnOrthoDoc, I share insights and stories that inspire and inform.

  4. Community Builder: With The Climb, I’ve created a space where like-minded individuals can come together to learn and grow.

Embracing Contradictions

Life is full of contradictions, and that’s what makes it interesting. I juggle professional responsibilities with personal passions. I strive for a balanced lifestyle while diving deep into my work. I enjoy healthy living but don’t shy away from indulgent treats. These contradictions are not weaknesses but strengths that make me unique and adaptable.

Breaking Free from Labels

Labels can confine us. They attempt to define who we are based on limited perspectives. But life isn’t black and white, and neither are we. By rejecting these labels, we open ourselves up to endless possibilities.

For instance, people might see me as just an orthodontist, but my life encompasses much more. I manage and run the operations of businesses, build websites and landing pages, write copy, write eBooks, send newsletters and marketing emails, do accounting for the businesses (except my Ortho practice), run a book club, teach courses, hire freelancers, run a private community, do procurement, manage multiple social media accounts, and engage in various creative projects. Each of these roles adds value to my life and work, making me truly undefinable.

The Power of Storytelling

Instead of letting labels define us, we should let our stories do the talking. Our journeys, filled with challenges, failures, and successes, shape who we are. Sharing these stories not only helps others understand us better but also empowers us to take control of our narrative.

The UnOrthoDoc: A Reflection of My Journey

The name “UnOrthoDoc” embodies my approach to life and work. It represents breaking free from conventional expectations and embracing a broader, more inclusive view of success. It’s about being true to oneself and finding harmony in the chaos of diverse roles and responsibilities.

Building a Multifaceted Life

Here are some key principles that guide my unorthodox journey:

  1. Continuous Learning: Every year, I acquire new skills and knowledge. This not only keeps me relevant but also fuels my passion for growth.

  2. Flexibility: A flexible mindset allows me to adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

  3. Delegation: Understanding that I can’t do everything myself, I delegate tasks to others, enabling me to focus on what truly matters.

  4. Planning: Whether it’s setting long-term goals or managing daily tasks, planning is crucial for maintaining balance.

  5. Community: Building and nurturing a supportive community through The Climb has been instrumental in my journey.

Final Thoughts

Being undefinable is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It’s about rejecting limiting labels and embracing the full spectrum of who we are. It’s a silent rebellion against conventional expectations and a testament to the power of versatility.

So, dare to be unorthodox. Embrace your contradictions. Reject the labels and tell your own story. By doing so, you’ll not only carve out a unique path for yourself but also inspire others to do the same.

Stay curious, stay versatile, and most importantly, stay true to yourself.