Jamaica: Dental Helping Hands
The DHH team was in Jamaica recently where over 500 patients received essential and life changing dental care.
The purpose of the Dental Helping Hands (DHH) Non-Profit Organization (NPO) is to provide dental services to people who do not have access to dental care, who cannot afford it and who would otherwise not be able to receive treatment. The founders of the organization have a solid mission of giving back to people of our respective communities and countries.
Our latest mission took us to St. Ann, Jamaica in the town of Cascade, where Dr. Patrice Smith, her husband Dr. Reginald Baker, Dr. Mark Edwards (Dean of The University of Technology College of Dentistry), Curtis Foster, RDH and a team of 11 dental students from The University of Technology College of Dentistry (UTech COD) and 20 dental hygiene students from Northern Caribbean University (NCU) rendered dental treatment to over 500 patients.
The Dream Team - 3 doctors, 1 RDH, 11 dental students and 20 dental hygiene students
The mission took place at Cascade Primary School
A steady flow of patients waiting to be registered
Dr. Mark Edwards performing extraction procedure of a badly decayed tooth
The DHH team spent a total of 8 hours in Cascade and rendered essential dental care ranging from simple extractions, surgical extractions, dental prophylaxis (cleanings) and scaling & root planing. Patients also received fluoride treatment, toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss to continue at home dental care.
Dr. Baker performing examination
Dr. Smith with UTech dental student as anesthesia is being administered
We always aim is to empower and support the communities we serve by partnering with local dental professionals to share knowledge. By providing communities with education on preventative measures to improve dental health, we honor, support and empower those with less and assist them in becoming self-sufficient. One of our goals is to focus on preventative education while providing patients with a safe environment for necessary care.
Our trip was a success. Exactly 507 individuals received much needed dental care. A huge part of our team’s success stems from individuals like yourself who see a need and donate either time, supplies or money. These donations go a very long way in the lives of the people we serve.
The DHH team is on a mission to not only improve the dental health but the overall quality of life of the lives we come in contact with . We will continue our mission to serve and provide these communities with much needed dental services.
If you would like to join us or donate to our cause, visit our website www.dentalhelpinghands.org and follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram.