5 Secrets To Work-Life Balance

These days, especially with some of us working from home it seems almost impossible to have a little separation between your career and your life. In fact, for many people, their career is their life. But it doesn't have to be that way. Being happy and fulfilled requires making time for yourself just as much of a priority as your career. Here are 5 secrets to a work-life balance:

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  1. Before You Say Yes, Pause - If you’re reading this there is no doubt that you are ambitious and driven and like to get things done! You also may feel like you can handle anything thrown at you. I am the same. While this all might be true, it’s important that you are careful to not take on too much. Time is a limited resource, saying yes to everything threatens this very limited resource and can often also lead to burn out. Protect your limited resources by first pausing to assess whether or not the ask is something that you really need or want to take on right now, if at all. If you are like I once was and struggle to say no, try saying things like, “Thanks for asking, let me check my schedule/calendar and get back to you.”

  2. Manage Your Workload - Sometimes I feel like I have way too many things to do. I am constantly juggling an endless amount of balls and trying to keep them all in the air. Since having my newborn, I have come to the realization that I cannot do it all and still maintain a balance between my work and home life and that I can allow some of those less important balls to drop. Cue the checklist - I now have checklists for everything! I place things in order of priority doing the most important things first. Other items much lower on the list now gets outsourced. If it’s at work, I delegate some tasks to my office manager and at home I have learned to ask my husband for help. What I have found out is that these individuals are happy to help but they have never gotten the opportunity because I never asked.

  3. Create Boundaries with Technology - Put the phone down! Digital burnout is a thing that a lot of us are affected by. For me this is social media and emails. I know I am not the only one that sometimes mindlessly scroll through the abyss of Instagram and Tik Tok and respond to emails after hours and on weekends. You must set boundaries where this is concerned. Instagram is a big part of my businesses - I do marketing for my Orthodontics practice and my candle company via the platform and also make partial income from it via sponsored and affiliate posts. I enjoy doing these but it also makes it easy for the line between healthy social media consumption and compulsive social media consumption to blur. What I do to combat that is set social time blocks, that is specific time(s) of the day when I go on Instagram to do a story, make a post or to engage. I also set a time limit via the apps’ time management tool to remind me when it’s time for me to close the app.

  4. Take Your Vacation - I’m currently on vacation as I type this, but had it not been for pure exhaustion I probably would have kept going - this is also a reminder to myself. You may feel guilty about taking time off of work, especially when you have a lot going on but it’s so important. If you are like me, when you have a certain goal in mind you cannot stop until that goal is achieved. However, continuously going without a break only leads to burnout.

  5. Take Control of Your Life - You are in the driver seat of your life! If you don’t like something, you can just decide that it doesn’t work for you and make the change. I know some things are easier said than done but, begin to work on the things that are easiest to implement. For example, if you need to get more sleep decide that you will go to bed an hour or two earlier. If there are certain things that gives you stress, figure out how to get rid of it (ie. set boundaries) or how to manage it.

There is such a thing as work-life balance and you CAN create a life that you absolutely enjoy! The key is to decide on the type of life you want to lead and take the necessary steps to achieving it. Start with the 5 steps above. I hope this helps.