Balancing Motherhood & Professional Life

Mother - of all my titles, this is the one I am most proud of.

I have been a mom for just under 2 months now and It has been one of the most fulfilling journeys, but it can be exhausting. Keeping a tiny human alive and well is tough! Add work into the mix, and some days I feel as though I am stretched very thin.

As a new mom who owns a business and works full-time, I can definitely say that’s it’s been hard at times to balance them both without feeling overwhelmed or guilty. There are so many things throughout the day that vie for our time and attention, that it’s easy to feel as though we’re not excelling in any of our roles, at home or at work.

The perfect work-life balance sometimes feel unattainable, but I have figured out some strategies (with the help of some other moms) that I have implemented to maintain my sanity and my purpose as a full-time entrepreneur and mom. If you’re a mom, I hope these will help you too:

1. Set a Routine.

This will obviously look different for everyone, but establishing some sort of routine can help to make things run smoothly and to stay organized.

For me, I make sure my alarm is set for a time that allows me to get myself dressed and ready for work in the mornings with ample time to bond with my baby before leaving home. My husband typically gets dressed first. He cleans and sterilizes the baby’s bottles and spends some time with our son, and I typically get a feeding session in. When the work day is complete and we both are home, my husband is the first to get cleaned up and takes the baby. He does the feeding, taking him on walks and spends some quality time while I do the prep for dinner. After we eat then I spend time with baby while my husband gets some rest for the overnight shift.

2. Prioritize Tasks.

I use checklists! Rather than thinking of all the things I need to accomplish in the near future, I focus on action items with the highest urgency, and attend to those first. I make a list of tasks to get done per day and cross them off as I go. This helps me to stay focused, organized and provides satisfaction since I am making progress and reaffirms the fact that I am indeed capable of accomplishing multiple tasks in a day, both at work and at home.

3. Work Efficiently.

When I am at work I do my best to give it my full attention and stick to a schedule. It’s hard to stay away from social media but I schedule social media breaks and set a timer so I don’t go past a certain amount of time and end up aimlessly scrolling. I also build time into my schedule (every 3 hours) to facilitate pumping.

4. Be fully present.

My baby is at the point where he sleeps and wakes every 2-3 hours for feeding then goes right back to sleep. It doesn’t feel like a good work-life balance when I’m at work for eight hours each day then only catch a few glimpses of him before I have to do it all over again.

Because of this, when my baby is awake, I am in full mom-mode; my laptop stays closed and my cell phone is put to the side. I make the most of the time we do have each day by giving him my undivided attention during our precious hours together. motherhood.png

5. Outsource chores.

I am still working on this one but right now, my mom and husband pitch in at home wherever they can and my office manager and clinical staff has taken on more administrative work at the office. Before I had my baby, errands didn’t seem like such a hassle. Nowadays, it often feels impossible to squeeze those tasks into an already demanding schedule.

I have since decided to take advantage of services available, like online shopping for groceries. Instacart, Amazon and Target have become my best friends as these services save us from having to go to the store.

6. Get sufficient sleep.

This is a work in progress. Nighttime sleep can be extremely unpredictable as it completely revolves around baby’s sleep schedule. I am exhausted around the clock due to the frequent wakings and feedings which, to be honest can sometimes decrease productivity.

Because getting enough rest is crucial to performing well at work, I try to take naps whenever the baby is down for a nap himself and alternate between my husband and mom who keeps the baby each night. This ensures that I get enough rest and feel energized throughout the day.

7. Reevaluate other commitments.

Learning to say “no” is important. It’s one of the things I have gotten proficient at time. Time has become even more valuable now. My advice would be to not overload your schedule and lose out on time with baby. Obviously, you don’t need to turn down every work or social opportunity, but you do want to avoid putting so much on your plate that you can’t spend time with your family.

8. Enjoy some time to yourself.

You might want to spend most of your time outside of work with your family. Even so, it’s important to sneak a little me time. What that looks like for me is spending time solo doing something that is relaxing, such as getting my hair done, getting a manicure and pedicure or getting a massage/facial at the spa. These little mini self care procedures work wonders for not only the body but mind as well. Thankfully, my husband encourages me to do this and is happy to have some one-on-one time with our baby during these times.

Working moms face a unique set of struggles. Add being a business owner to the mix and the stress level is amplified. I want to be the best mom to my child, yet my time and energy are divided between my responsibilities at home and those at work.

What I try to remind myself is that I am setting a great example for my child. Not only am I providing financially for my family, but also demonstrating what it looks like to use my professional gifts and passions. From one working mom to another, I hope these tips help you feel confident in this challenging yet fulfilling journey.