How To Grow a Successful Side Hustle

The truth is, there’s no one secret to running a successful business. But, there are methods that have been proven time and time again to reap successful outcomes. These are the same methods I used to grow my Side Hustle into a successful business in a short amount of time and what helped me to triple my yearly profits during a pandemic. Here are some tips:

  • Just Start - Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. By all means, go through the planning stages but you must execute. Don’t spend too much time lamenting on every little detail because in my experience, things usually work out along the way. Keep in mind also that everything doesn’t have to be perfect in the beginning. Get things out there and build momentum. Done is better than perfect.

  • Starting doesn’t mean expensive - Starting a business doesn’t need to be expensive. You may feel as if you have to invest a lot to get off the ground but the reality of it is that you don’t. Depending on the type of business you are looking to start, the first things you will you need is a solid plan, a little creativity, your laptop, and a WiFi connection.

  • Serving others is what matters - when running a successful business, regardless of what type it is the emphasis should be on how you are helping your ideal client/customer. The way you serve your clients and audience determines your success. Make sure that you know what they want and find a way to give it to them. side hustle.png


  1. Identifying Ideal Clients & Customers - Who is your target audience or Ideal customer? Who does your product serve? Answer these questions and you will have won half the battle. I started out thinking my ideal customer was going to be the 18-34 year old female that loves all things social media and self care so in the very beginning stages I spent most of my resources marketing to them. However, they weren’t the ones purchasing my products. It turns out that my ideal customer is the 30-60 year old female who values relationships, a personal touch and great customer service - many of which are not on popular social media channels like Instagram but favor Facebook, email or text message and thus my marketing shifted.

  2. Being Consistent & Staying Fresh - There are so many things vying for our attention these days that not showing up is simply not an option. If you’re not present, showing up and being consistent for your customers they will not remember you. As the popular saying goes, “Out of sight, Out of mind.” I used to think posting consistently on social media, sending emails and reaching out to people to update them on products and sales were annoying. But I have come to realize that it is crucial. I am not saying inundate people with your content, but set up a system whereby you consistently show up. Perhaps that looks like posting to your social channels three times per week or sending out a weekly newsletter or monthly emails. Either way, you want to ensure that you are consistent. You also want to keep things fresh and not push the same exact thing, in the same way over and over. For my candle company it meant periodically revamping our fragrances, adding accessories to our store, introducing seasonal fragrances ( a scent for every season or occasion), adding pops of color to our normally classic white candles and offering discounts and free items to show appreciation.

  3. Blogging - By creating content around your side hustle you are able to attract clients or customers who may also be interested in the product or service you are offering. For example, I have a blog where I often times speak on having a side hustle. I also offer my readers a Side Hustle Guide that can be downloaded for free, which comes with Side Hustle Ideas and 5 weekly emails that help the reader go from point A to point B in their side hustle journey. Throughout these posts and guides I make reference to my own journey with my Candle Company. My readers have not only gained valuable information on how to start a side hustle but have also become customers.

  4. Collaboration - It is amazing the results that you get when you collaborate. Many people believe a collab has to be with “influencers,” or a large company backed by a PR group. Nothing could be further from the truth. Are there people you follow on social media who’s content, personality, product or service you love? Reach out to them and just ask the question. Collaboration comes in many forms and It’s a lot easier than you think.

  5. Customer Service is KEY - It goes without saying, be kind, courteous and swift to respond to customer inquiries. I spend a fair amount of time responding to customer questions and reviews. If there is a question about a particular product, accessory or how to care for their candles we respond promptly and/ or direct them to resources accordingly. Every now and then we get customer requests for special orders which we try to accommodate. Our customers are why we are here and we earnestly thank them for their purchases and support.

If you are looking to start your Side Hustle Journey, Grab The Side Hustle Guide Below.

When you sign up for the guide, you will receive:

  • 10 page Side Hustle Guide

  • Side Hustle ideas

  • Side Hustle Workbook

  • 5 weekly emails to Guide You