Best Money/Finance Podcasts for Young Professionals

On the path to becoming a professional regardless of the field you’re in, the focus has been getting to the place where we finally start our careers. We have been through many years of schooling - studying, passing classes, maintaining grades, matriculating, improving skills, applying for residencies and specialty programs. The remaining time was utilized to catch up on sleep, exercise and balance family and social life. Nobody taught us anything money or finance related. We lacked knowledge regarding taxes, refinancing/consolidating student loans, insurances, retirement, and investing.

I began listening to finance/money podcasts when I started my career as an Orthodontist. I went from having no income to a substantial salary that I wasn’t quite sure what to do with. I know I wanted to make smart financial decisions and improve my financial literacy but didn’t know what professionals to seek or even what types of questions to ask.

Undoubtedly my CPA and friends with experience have been invaluable but I wanted more. I wanted to learn all the financial terminology that I would often hear people speak of, words like index funds, mutual funds, compound interest, asset allocation, capital gains, amortization, differences between 401K, 403b, Roth and the list goes on. I wanted to learn more about financial independence, real estate investments, and passive income. money podcasts.png

Books are usually my thing but podcasts have proven to be quite convenient and there have been a handful of podcasts that I listen to religiously and that have helped me tremendously over the last several months.

  1. Afford Anything - This podcast is one of my favorites as Paula Pant is all about Financial Independence and is a big proponent to the FIRE movement. FIRE stands for Financial Independence Retire Early. She’s 34, retired, financially independent, has zero debt and makes a living through real estate investing, blogging and podcasting. She introduces listeners to different ways to build passive income and rid yourself of a 9-to-5 job.

  2. Stacking Benjamins - I love this because the guys on this show drop so many financial gems but do so in a very lighthearted and fun way. Their humor and jokes may give the perception of lack of serious-mindedness but if you listen beyond that it is evident their focus is on helping their listeners build wealth.

  3. Smart Passive Income - I’m all about passive income so naturally I gravitated towards this podcast. Pat Flynn is awesome! He frequently pulls in over $100, 000 per month in passive income. He gives his listeners different ways to go about setting up passive income streams and his podcasts are always inspiring.

  4. The Side Hustle Show - I love this podcast because they offer great tips and business strategies for those looking for multiple income streams. If you want to perhaps keep your 9-5, supplement your income and have a few extra bucks here and there this podcast is certainly for you. It’s very informative and every time I listen I learn ways to improve my own side hustle(s).

  5. Choose FI - The podcast is great! Here FI stands for financial Independence and the hosts discuss life optimization strategies that are possible when we decide to get off the hamster wheel.

  6. Profit Boss with Hilary Henershott - I recently started listening to this podcast and it has been quite informative. It’s geared towards women who want to take charge and create success in their financial lives. It has been very motivating and inspiring.

So if you’re looking to improve your financial situation, gain financial independence, retire early, start a side business or have passive income then I definitely recommend the above podcasts. Listen to episodes during your commute, at the gym, while running, etc. The knowledge gained can enlighten your path and brighten your future. Feel free to give feedback on your experience.

Happy Listening!